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Wroclaw Medical University would like to invite all of you to participate in the Open Day. The Open Day will take place on April 4 th, 2025, at Borowska 211 (Faculty of Pharmacy building). Planned activities include workshops, lectures, meetings with our students, and many more!
Campus Tour
We are pleased to invite you to a campus tour in English on April 4th, 2025, at 9:30 a.m, at Karola Marcinkowskiego 2-6. This will be a great opportunity to explore our University, familiarize yourself with the campus, and meet international students from higher years, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
If you would like to join the tour, please contact the Admission Office at
Registration is required, and the number of participants is limited, so be sure to register soon!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Chat with a Medicine Student!
If you are not able to join us in Wroclaw, do not worry – during our Open Day, you will have the opportunity to chat online with a current Medicine student from the English Division and ask any questions you may have!
Wroclaw is a vibrant city, rich in history and culture. Called “the Venice of the North” thanks to its 130 bridges, the Lower-Silesian capital is a meeting place for people of science, business and art. The local universities attract thousands of students every year, offering them not only the highest level of education, but also a chance to live in a historical yet modern city full of music and art, with rampant nightlife and job opportunities. The city is also famous for its medical tradition: many famous doctors lived and worked here, starting with Alois Alzheimer, a neurologist, psychiatrist, and finder of the Alzheimer’s Disease, microbiologist Ludwik Hirszfeld who established the basis of the blood groups science, and two Nobel prize winners: Robert Koch, awarded for the creation of modern bacteriology, and Paul Erlich, one of the pioneers of chemotherapy.
Find more informations about Wrocław on the city’s official website:
Stronę prowadzi Biuro Rekrutacji i Badania Losów Absolwentów UMW. Kontakt: